Glenisle Hotel

Glenisle Hotel

Arran, Schottland


13 Zimmer in den Kategorien Cosy, Standard, Superior und Premier.

(€€) : 190- 249 EUR

Hinweis: Um eine Vergleichbarkeit der Hotels untereinander zu ermöglichen, haben wir die Preise haben wir aus Durchschnittswerten über die Saisonzeiten für die jeweils niedrigste Zimmerkategorie ermittelt. Sie gelten jeweils für 2 Personen im Doppelzimmer inkl. Frühstück.

The Glenisle Hotel opened it's doors in 1849 and has been at the heart of the charming village of Lamlash ever since. The location, looking directly across the sea to the majestic Holy Isle is certainly one of the most spectacular on this beautiful island. Since a major refurbishment in 2008 the Glenisle Hotel & Restaurant is establishing a reputation throughout Scotland for its warm and stylish ambiance and its great, relaxed atmosphere.


To the side of the hotel is our large, historic, walled garden and terrace which provide an oasis of calm around the hotel. Enjoy lunch, morning coffee or afternoon tea and cakes (including a scrumptious cream tea with scones and locally made jam) on the terrace while enjoying some of the best views on the island. On a warm summer evening this is also the perfect spot for pre-dinner drinks.


The Talisman Bar is named after the steamer which used to travel between Glasgow and Lamlash. We stock a good range of Arran whiskies and Ales as well as the standard fare. Click here to see our wine list. We are also happy to serve espresso, cappucino, latte plus other coffees. We are very proud of our range of teas which is the easily the largest on the island. See the full range of coffee and teas here. Take your drinks out to the terrace or curl up in the cozy snug with its large, comfy armchairs in the charming atmosphere of exposed wooden floors and rough, sandstone walls and it's large, ancient fireplace.


The Library & Lounge is the perfect place to relax with a good book, meet friends for a game of bridge or scrabble (we'll supply the cards and the scrabble board), or just relax with a drink. Situated right at the front of the building it has stunning views over Lamlash Bay towards the Holy Isle. In the colder weather the open fire makes it a cosy retreat.

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